Very few Filipinos choose Search Engine Optimation (SEO) when working online. Even though it may seem complicated but sometimes we need knowledge of SEO. Due to a lot of SEO guide from renowned SEO experts, most of them are paid and very expensive.
It doesn’t mean you have to be an expert, but you can be if you chose to.
Have you experienced one of your clients ask if you know about SEO or worse won’t use your services anymore because some Freelancer or Virtual assistant has more skills than you?
I have heard this a lot from fellow freelancers/virtual assistant.
Most clients/employers now are looking for VA with more than one skills.
As the increase of competition nowadays, one must not dilly-dally and learn from what they can.
Check out HOWPO, work from home guide for SEO here for your reference.
For basic, it will be free and for mid to advanced it will be paid.